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January Daily Blog
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- Rusty Yow
January 02, 2022
Well its the new year and COVID is still here if not worse. In other news the first two days of January I got to wear winter clothing at last in Texas! Went for a walk on the trinty in 40(ish) degree weather. My Aero Garden is going pretty well with dill and mint. Also below is the start of my bullet journal for 2022 and the things I keep track of for no reason at all.
January 04, 2022
Did a run last night in the cold, wasnt too bad. I got me a copy of Time Magazine with Elon Musk as the person of the year. Want to read it and see what it has to say. I follow Elon's companies and think there are great things for the world. Elon him self is a bit odd but what person that changed the world wasnt odd? If I was rich and made something amazing people would hate me for being the way I am.